Boundary: The 24th round of boundary talks between Bhutan and China will be held in China from August 11 to 14, according to a foreign affairs ministry press release.
The 24th round will review and adopt the report of the Joint Technical Field Survey of the disputed areas in the western sector of the Bhutan-China boundary, among others.
The Joint Technical Field Survey of areas in western Bhutan was carried out by expert groups of Bhutan and China in June and September 2015.
The 23rd round of boundary talks was held in Bhutan in August, last year.
The Bhutanese delegation to the Bhutan-China talks will be led by foreign minister Damcho Dorji. He will be accompanied by foreign secretary Tshering Dorji, ambassador of Bhutan to India, Vetsop Namgyel, international boundaries secretary, Dasho Pema Wangchhuk, and other senior officials of the foreign affairs ministry and international boundaries secretariat.
Boundary negotiations between the Royal Government of Bhutan and the Government of the People’s Republic of China are guided by the Four Guiding Principles of 1988 and the 1998 Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity in the Bhutan-China Border Areas.
Staff reporter