Three hundred sixty-six people including 52 students of Khengkhar Middle Secondary School (KMSS) in Mongar tested positive for influenza on September 23.

The students are isolated from the others and kept in the school’s multi-purpose hall since the outbreak.

Khengkhar basic health unit (BHU) officials reported the outbreak on September 23 and a health team led by the general duty medical officer (GDMO) of Gyalpoizhing BHU I visited the school.

Dr Thinley said that in order to contain the outbreak, they have put various public health measures in place to prevent further spread of the infection to the nearby communities.

He said awareness talks on the infection including its signs and symptoms, mechanism of transmission, preventive measures such as couch etiquette, hand washing, avoidance of mass gatherings and importance of drinking adequate amount of oral fluids were given to the public and the students.

The outbreak is suspected to have started during the Kengkhar local tshechu, which began on September 17.

Staff Reporter
