Chhimi Dema  

Thimphu Thromde has fined 39 residents and shopkeepers along the Norzin Lam and in Hongkong Market in Thimphu for not segregating waste during the collection on November 17.

Thromde imposed a total of Nu 19,500 penalty on the violators. The violators were fined Nu 500 each for the offence.

According to the Waste Prevention and Management Regulation 2012, it is an offence if a person fails to “segregate solid waste when segregation facilities are available or provided with”.

Thromde sanitation inspectors, de-suups, police, officials from the National Environment Commission and His Majesty’s Secretariat monitored the waste collection and segregation on the night of November 17.

The inspection and deployment of the garbage trucks at night along Norzin Lam and Hongkong Market are some of the initiatives that the Waste Management Committee is carrying out for proper waste management in the country.

The committee was formed this month with the issuance of an executive order by the Prime Minister.

Greener Way’s founder, Karma Yonten, said that regardless of advocating waste segregation since 2015, no change has occurred in people’s attitudes.

The waste handlers observed that some people put wet solid waste below dry.

Karma Yonten said that penalising violators is essential to change their waste management habits. “Everyone has a part to keep our country clean.”

The shop owners along the Norzin Lam said that hawkers and people leave garbage behind at night.

A shopkeeper said that they have to pick up garbage every morning before they open their shops.

“If we leave them, we are penalised. People should learn to take care of their waste,” he said.

Zero Waste Bhutan – a programme to achieve zero waste through 100 percent source segregation ­to deter people from improper waste management – upload “naming and shaming” posts on their social media handles.

On November 6, a man was caught  dumping waste illegally near the junction of Jambayang Resort. He was fined Nu 9,000 and made to take back waste and dump it at the Memelakha landfill.

According to the waste prevention and management regulation, a person can report to the nearest local authority or the police when he or she has the knowledge of any person “releasing any nature of waste into the environment in a manner other than the prescribed procedures”

People can report illegal waste activities on Zero Waste Bhutan’s website following
