Drametse: Drametse gewog’s main road will soon be blacktopped 40 years after the gewog was connected with a road.

Ugyen Tenzin, the gewog’s mangmi, said that it had been four months since the possibility of blacktopping the road was announced. ‘Why the delay, we don’t understand.’

The 18km road will be blacktopped as soon as the government of India releases the fund.  The project is estimated to cost Nu 59.03 million.

‘The work would be awarded soon,’ said the chief engineer Karma Wangdi.  Blacktopping of Chazam-Yangnyer, Kharungla-Kangpara and Khentongmani-Udzorong is expected to be completed by January 30, 2016.

‘More than 400 households will benefit from the road,’ said Drametsi gup Tshering Dorji.  Travel time is expected to be reduced by 30 minutes.  Currently, it takes an hour to drive to the gewog centre from the Trashigang-Mongar dzongkhag road where the road to Drametse begins.

By Tashi Phuntsho
