Almost 6,000 saplings of different plant species were planted in Mongar yesterday to observe the social forestry day.
The regional forest division of Mongar organised the programme.
About 450 saplings were planted at Kidheykhar Shedra. Led by Dzongdag Ugen Sonam and Lam Neten, butter lamps were offered and Zhabten sung for His Majesty the King and The Fourth Druk Gyalpo.
The dzongdag, drangpon, regional heads, the police, corporation heads, teachers and students, scouts, monks, and farmers joined the programme. Almost 200 people planted the 450 saplings. Towards the evening, about 150 saplings were planted at dzongkhag administration area.
In all, 13 types of species of saplings were planted.
The saplings were brought from private nursery in Trashigang and other forest nurseries.
About 700 saplings were planted at Wengkhar RNR-Research Centre in Mongar.
At Yakpogang Ani Dratshang, some 220 saplings were planted. The farmers of Yakpogang and Tongshing helped plant the saplings. The programme was organised by Mongar gewog administration.
Tashi Phuntsho | Kidheykhar