Jigmi Wangdi
The summer rainfall from June to September is most likely to be slightly below normal, according to experts from the National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM). The average rainfall for the summer of Bhutan from 1996 to 2021 is considered normal rainfall.
The temperature in Bhutan from June to September is also likely to be slightly above normal, according to the centre’s outlook for precipitation and temperature for June to September.
The national outlook is based on the consensus outlook of the South Asian Climate Outlook Forum held from 27 to 29 April.
The summer monsoon outlook has to be used and interpreted along with the extended, medium, and daily weather forecasts and other advisories released by the centre.
As climate change becomes erratic, NCHM works closely with other international organisations in the areas of weather, climate, hydrology and cryosphere.
For monitoring the hydro-met data, NCHM maintains a national hydro-meteorological network consisting of more than 250 stations.
The networks include meteorological observation stations, automated weather observation systems, cryosphere monitoring stations, and hydrological and flood early warning stations, among others.
The centre operates 54 climatological stations and 60 automatic weather stations.
The data collected from these stations are used for forecasting to provide weather services, agrometeorological and climate change studies.
The NCHM is also mandated to monitor glaciers and glacial lakes. Bhutan has 700 glaciers and 567 glacial lakes, out of which 17 are identified as potentially dangerous.
NCHM provides scientific and technological services in hydrology, water resources, meteorology, climatology and cryosphere to ensure the safety and socio-economic well-being of society.