About 39 enterprises in the country comply with the standard occupational health and safety (OHS) system, according to a report the labour ministry released recently.
The labour department compiled the report, ‘the OHS Assessment 2018.’ The enterprises were awarded certificates of recognition (CoR) for good safety and health practices on April 28.
The department assessed 77 enterprises, where a company has to score 70 percent and above to fall under the standard requirement of health and safety at workplaces.
It was learnt that 38 companies scored below 70 percent.
Zimdra Food Private Limited in Phuentsholing scored 96.6 percent and maintained the highest OHS standard.
Bhutan Hydropower Services Limited stood second with 92.1 percent and Bhutan Ferro Alloys Limited stood third with 91.1 percent.
The construction sector, the OHS assessment report revealed maintains OHS standards more than other sectors. About 75 percent of the construction sector scored more than 70 percent.
In the mining and quarry sector, 66.7 percent managed to score above the 70 percent benchmark. Under manufacturing, about 51.9 percent scored above the required standard while in the service sector, 50 percent establishments were able to score the required standard.
Labour director Sonam Wangdi said that those establishments that did not score 70 percent and above would be advised to improve on areas they are weak at. “We will send the average scores even to those that score above 70 percent so they can improve further.”
He said the safety and health in workplaces have improved.
“There are more safety officers today,” he said, adding that it was mandatory for those companies with more than 50 employees to have a safety officer in place.
This year, the labour ministry has also recognised and awarded seven safety officers. This is to encourage and reward the individual safety officers for their contribution to OHS.
The assessment for good OHS compliance in the country was first carried out in 2015. Only 10 out of 37 entities received CoR then.
In 2017, 35 business establishments in the country were recognised for adhering to the standard OHS system while 26 did not.
Rajesh Rai | Chukha