To address the drinking water shortage in Samdrupjongkhar thromde, the government has taken assistance loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) to construct water treatment plant (WTP), reservoir and water transmissions.

Samdrupjongkhar thromde’s assistant engineer, who is also the head of water solution division, Mani Kumar Rizal, said that the work is divided into two packages.

Of the total fund required for the construction, ADB assistance loan of Nu 1.2 million (M) USD takes up 79 percent and the government will fund the remaining 21 percent.

Mani Kumar Rizal said he couldn’t say how much the 21 percent will amount up to since the details are with works and human settlement ministry.

In package one, the construction of intake weir, raw water transmission, WTP, clear water reservoir and clear water transmission will be carried out. The total fund for package one is Nu 89M.

The assistant engineer said that while the construction is almost complete for intake weir and clear water reservoir, raw water transmission and clear water transmission are under construction.

He said that the WTP is being designed and once the design is ready, they will start the construction.

In package two, construction of a reservoir, transmission line and renovation of the existing reservoirs will be carried out in the second package.

He also said the water reservoir will be constructed at Pinchina, about four kilometres away from Samdrupjongkhar to Trashigang.

Mani Kumar Rizal said that they are estimating and reviewing package two as of now. “Thromde would tender the works by end of this year.”

The assistant engineer said that water would be supplied to Local Area Plan (LAP) I from new tank, which is going to be constructed package two. “For LAP II, III, and IV water will be supplied from the existing reservoirs after renovation.”

Meanwhile, he said that for 2015, he received 10 to 15 complaints every day on water shortage. “Sometimes it goes up to one week, as heavy downpour during monsoon damage main connection line.”

He said that by the end of that year, the complaints reduced drastically, as the thromde constructed bore well, renovated the old dug well and treated water.

Mani Kumar Rizal said they did major renovation last year and after that, the water supply has been good.

At present, there are three water sources for Samdrupjongkhar thromde,  Pinchina, Dungsam river and Rikhechu.

The assistant engineer said he is confident that Samdrupjongkhar thromde will not have water shortage once the project completes.

Kelzang Wangchuk | Samdrupjongkhar
