Kuzu kuzu,
My name is Siri and I am a cat.
I asked the pups and bigger dogs if I could get a chance to pitch today. They said yes and I know why.
I am the cutest, nicest ginger cat ever and they think I deserve a chance to let the rest of the world know. I hope this is the real reason and that they do not want to get rid of me. So they get more food, more space, more blankets and more belly rubs.
I came to the shelter a few weeks ago with a big wound on my back but nobody can see it now because it’s all healed perfectly and my hair have nearly grown again completely. I don’t remember what happened to me but the people here said it was probably a bite wound from a dog.
I am not very careful with dogs. This is true. I am too trusting and, unfortunately, not all dogs are friendly.
If you want to adopt me, please make sure your dog is a feline fan and not a kitty chaser because I might not be careful enough to get out of its reach. But I am very friendly with other cats once I get to know them. And I am playful for my age.
I am not old at all, but I am not a kitten anymore. So people are surprised how much energy I have and how much I love to play. Maybe it is because of this that I survived my injuries.