Kuzuzangpo everyone!
My name is Kinley and I come from Honzo near Thimphu. I came to the shelter with 5 of my siblings some weeks ago and now that I am older, wiser and healthy, I am ready to start my life as a big boy.
Life is good at the shelter but I am dreaming of my own bed, my own bowl, my own blanket and my own caring family! When I came in, it was fun to be with all the other pups and kittens and play all together, sleep all together and chew on the old shoes and wooden sticks lying around.
When we are young, we don’t know about all the dangers that are around us. We always focus on the good things and often forget that our mom or dad or in my case, a friendly human or a foster dog mother is looking out for us and keep an eye on where we go, what we eat, who we play with and what we are chewing for fun. They are looking out for us and teaching us to make the good choices in life to help build our future. And yes, sometimes they scold us when we start eating the nice sleepers of the gardener or the wrong food, join the group of bullies and naughty pups or use our teeth to solve a problem instead of using our brain our barking and our heart.
It is so important to have someone like that when we are young and for us orphan pups, we are sometimes lucky to have a aunty or a grandpa around but if not, we need someone to step in and open their doors and heart to us. And I know this is true for all the animals and the human ones too. At the shelter, some of the cleaners or helpers had a tough time too when they were young. Even one of them was like us, no parents and no friends. But he had a grandma and she was the one who found that work at the shelter for him and now he says he feels so much better helping the ones who were like him. Working here, he became an adult who look out for youngster and he says he now understand why he had to go through tough time: to understand our suffering, pain and sadness and know firsthand that what we need is care, love and Happiness. I am so happy he is here.
That is what I want to do too when I am older! I want to help others find their happiness. So please come and visit or phone and ask for me: Maybe I am the one for you and you are the one for me and together we can be happy?