RBP is currently looking into the case on the instructions of OAG
BCSEA: The Royal Bhutan Police is currently investigating the English II paper leak that nearly jeopardised the board examination results, last year.
The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) called for the investigation after receiving the preliminary findings of the Bhutan Council for School Examination and Assessment (BCSEA) and instructions from the Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay said at the Meet the Press session, yesterday.
Police will handover the findings to OAG who will then charge those involved to court, he said.
“When I had said we’d get each of them, I didn’t mean I’d go after each of them and handcuff them,” he said, adding that laws, rights and procedures need to be respected and followed.
“Our job is to fulfil the mandate but within the laws, rest assured we’re doing everything.”
Lyonchoen repeated that each student, teacher and individual involved in the leak would be brought to task following due process of law.
He said at the same time the government would not tolerate anyone undermining the integrity of our examination process, adding that it is a criminal offence.
“Our children worked so hard for a whole year and at the end of it to have a few people undermine or sabotaging the whole examination process is not acceptable,” Lyonchoen said.
Last month, while declaring the results, BCSEA called the leak ‘largely a rumour’.
Despite the controversy surrounding the class XII board examination English II paper leakage, the council ruled out any major adverse impact on the results.
Against allegations of a widespread leak, council officials said that a random analysis of marks did not indicate any concrete evidence of leakage and therefore concluded that the leak had minimal impact on the performance.
The council, following the board’s decision and Cabinet directives on actions against the individuals involved in the leakage, decided the penalties within the purview of examination rules and regulations.
The council cancelled the results of eight students involved in spreading the leak, and barred them from sitting the examination for at least one to three years. They can appear after the term.
The two adults involved in the case are indefinitely barred from any of the council’s activities.
As the culprits denied involvement, the council approached OAG, the Cabinet Secretariat and police for further support.
By Tshering Palden