How does my body fat negatively effect my health? If body fat is bad for our health how can I reduce it?
FAT is an absolute necessity for a healthy and long life. Fat under our skin is necessary to insulate our bodies from external harm and to regulate our body temperature. Our body fat insures our health and survival in times of disease and starvation. As it is highest in calorie density. No FAT no you. Less fat less you. Optimal fat optimal you.
The desire for a lean and muscular physique glorified by movies, social media and internet has made body fat a nemesis to be detested and fought of. It has been painted as UGLY and HARMFUL. Insufficient body fat is equally detrimental to health as excess fat. Since excess fat is relatively a much bigger global health crisis. Allow me to focus on it.
Currently 1 in every 3 individual on our planet are overweight or obese. Excess fat increases inflammation. Higher inflammation means more likelihood of pain, injury, and disease. Imagine a perpetually irritated, inflamed and over sensitized body and mind. Which over time acquires an annoying tendency to overreact and easily crumble under the slightest of pressures.
Excess fat contributes to body weight and body volume. Increasing chronic stress on joints, muscle, heart and lungs. Every part of the body has to work much harder, creating chronic psychological and physiological stress. Even a simple task we take for granted like sleeping is negatively effected. Making our existence very costly upon ourself and others.
How to identify excess fat? 3 reliable methods I use.
- Check your blood cholesterol with a blood test.
- Check your “body mass index” using a formula freely available online.
- Measure your waistline horizontally over your navel, for women above 36 inch and men above 40 inch are reasons for health concern.
How to reduce excess fat?
- Fast: a fast of 16 hours to a few days is a very effective way to quickly burn excess fat and clean your mind and body.
- Reduce unhealthy fat and sugar intake: Reduce processed foods, fast foods and animal produce.
- Reduce your calorie intake. Consume only how much you need and use. All unused calories are converted to body fat. Even if they come from vegetables.
- Move daily. Any physical activity will do. A combination of walking and stretching is recommended.
- Exercise. Learn to find value in effort and discomfort. Lift weights, sprint, climb steep hills, swim, play a sport.