With the up-gradation of Autsho Middle Secondary School in Lhuentse to a central school, more students have been seeking admission which is straining the school’s already congested hostel.
Of the 472 students in the school, 303 are boarders, and some students also have to share a single bed.
A class 10 student said that the number of boarding students is increasing with more opting to join the central school. “When the number increases, it puts pressure on the limited rooms and beds.”
Another student said that the rooms are so congested that odor has become a problem. “We can’t study,” the student said.
The students said the condition of their hostel has been poor for the last two years.
The school’s principal, Chador Tenzin, said the school was upgraded in 2015 and students have been living in congested hostels. “But the problem will be solved once construction of a 120-bed hostel is completed,” he said.
Construction for new hostels for boys and girls, six more classrooms, a dinning hall, two toilets, and teacher quarters are ongoing.
The principal said only students from pre-primary to class III share beds. “The other students have their own beds.”
The Khartsa construction company manager, Tenzin, who is carrying out the work, said 90 percent of the hostel is complete and they will handover the hostels by the end of July this year.
The Government of India funded the Nu 73 million hostel construction.
Tashi Phuntsho | Lhuentse