His Majesty The King concluded an 8-day official visit to India yesterday, and arrived back in Bhutan.
At Paro Airport, His Majesty graced the ceremony to see off Bhutan’s second United Nations Peacekeeping contingent.
The contingent of 90 members boarded a special Drukair flight to the Central African Republic (CAR) yesterday. The contingent, which will travel in two flights, consists of 180 personnel, including 17 women, and 2 DSP trained French interpreters.
A guard of honour was presented at the ceremony, and the personnel saluted His Majesty as they boarded their flight.
The Advisor to the Interim Government and senior government officials were present to see off the contingent, along with family members of the personnel, who bid their loved ones an emotional farewell.
Bhutan’s first UN Peacekeeping Contingent, which was deployed last year, completes a successful year as part of the United Nations’ Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission for the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). In October this year, contingent was awarded the UN Peace Medal for its service towards peace and stabilization of their deployment in the country.
Bhutan began participating in UN peacekeeping in 2014 by contributing Military Observers, Staff Officers and Individual Police Officers.