Phurpa Lhamo
In Thimphu Thromde, which has mega zones and is a low-risk area, Class X and XII students will take the board exams in schools that have been identified in their own mega zones beginning on February 28.
For boarding schools, the examinations will be conducted in containment mode. Day scholars will also enter the containment zone.
The scenario (throms with mega zones in low-risk areas) is part of the four strategies developed for schools in four different risk areas.
The notification was issued by the Ministry of Education yesterday.
The TVET practical will begin on February 26.
Schools in high-risk urban areas and red zones are recommended to relocate the students, teachers, supervising examiners, and invigilators to a safer location within the dzongkhag or to other dzongkhags.
According to Karma Yonten with His Majesty’s Secretariat, Gomtu Higher Secondary School in Samtse and Bajo Higher Secondary School in Wangdue were to move to a low-risk area.
Speaking on national television yesterday, he added that despite the recommendation, there were challenges while relocating. Thus, if schools in high-risk urban areas and red zones aren’t able to relocate, the school in the area is recommended to function in containment mode.
Karma Yonten said that the protocols should be followed strictly; the frontline workers will deliver items. All entry and exit points will be sealed and guarded.
“A medical person shall be stationed at the school to provide medical assistance within the school,” the notification stated.
For boarding schools in low-risk areas, the examinations will be held in containment mode for boarding students. Day schools will have day scholars walk in for the exams.
For schools with both day scholars and boarders, day scholars will be called in containment mode.
Schools located in high-risk remote areas with boarding facilities will have all their students in containment during the examinations.
“Schools without boarding facilities should try and relocate their day scholars to a boarding facility,” the notification stated.
However, if it isn’t possible, the notification stated that the students should be allowed to walk in to do their examinations.
This year, 26,801 students in Classes X and XII will take board examinations.
Speaking on BBS yesterday, officials stated that it was absolutely necessary that the students take their exams as the certificates will be required for seeking jobs and for qualification upgrades in the future.
Education secretary, Karma Tshering, said that all education officers and school principals have been notified.
There are around 150 schools with Classes X and XII students across Bhutan.