Dechen Dolkar
The education ministry issued a notification last month on its decision to transfer 154 principals and 58 vice-principals (VPs) who have served more than nine years or more in the current dzongkhags or thromdes.
It was decided during the ministry’s human resource committee meeting in September. It was learnt that the ministry wanted to reshuffle the principals as a part of its reforms. However, the ministry had to cancel the decision since the government has no budget to pay transfer benefits.
According to an education ministry official, the ministry yesterday received a notice from the Ministry of Finance stating that it has no budget for transfer grants.
If all 154 Principals and 58 Vice-Principals agreed to go on transfer, it would cost around Nu 13M.
During the HRC meeting, it was decided that the Principals who have one year or less to superannuate would be retained in the same school as per the BCSR 2018.
However, the duration of the EoL was deducted from the number of years calculated and the study leaves up to 18 months were counted as active service in line with BCSR 2018 and will be not included.
The duration of the secondment was considered active.
The modalities of transfer will be placed in the order of merit ranking based on the parameters.
The choice of placement was to be based on merit ranking. However, the candidate must fulfil the qualification criteria and cannot choose the place of posting in the same dzongkhag or thromde.
The ministry decision was that schools having Vice Principals at P1 level can only be opted for by a Specialist Head (ES level Principal). Vice Principals at P1 level will choose the school having a Specialist Head.
Principals or VPs currently serving in Bhutan Baccalaureate (BB) schools will choose only BB schools.
The ministry has also mentioned that the transfer of their spouses will be based on the subject requirement for teachers and position requirement for principals, VPs, counsellors and support staff.