Ask Mr Bhutan

What did Covid 19 pandemic teach you?  Please allow me to to share what it hopefully taught all of us. Universal consciousness: Covid 19 showed us our interdependence and interconnectedness in its most physical manifestation. An individual’s repeated action has a profound impact on the whole. We are as similar inside as we may appear […]

Ask Mr Bhutan

Why do most new year resolutions fail? 1. We don’t know...

Ask Mr Bhutan

Meditation has been painfully misunderstood by the world both in the...

Ask Mr Bhutan

Evolutionarily speaking: Anything sweet, initially fruit was a signal that it...

Ask Mr Bhutan

I define health as an individual state of balance. It’s a...

Ask Mr Bhutan

My right knee hurts. I have seen a doctor and taken...

Making Machines Understand Languages Is the Next Great Frontier in AI

Rob Toews’ article titled “Language is the next great frontier in...

Drugpa Tshezhi and the Buddha’s First Sermon

Drugpa Tshezhi (དྲུག་པ་ཚེས་བཞི་) or the 4th day of the 6th month...

Ask Mr Bhutan

Hi Mr Bhutan, I would like to know your thoughts on Yoga?...

Trauma and rampant drug abuse – the link

Well, many youth turn to drugs as a coping mechanism. Of...

How Can Bhutan Catch a Piece of the 1.2 Trillion Dollar Freelance Economy?

Statistics show that more and more workers are ditching the traditional...

Rapping for the Guru’s birthday

Hi Lam, I’ve always felt a strong affinity Guru Rinpoche. Even...

NFTs are crashing, but will they ever die?

After cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology has given rise to a new craze...
