Education: Come next year, students could have a longer summer vacation and shorter winter break.
This, however, is subject to the upcoming annual education conference where a decision is expected to be made.
Education minister Norbu Wangchuk said the ministry will deliberate on the proposed change to the academic session in the annual conference.
He said that the change in academic session is one of the many agendas of the annual education conference scheduled for January 2017. “The education officers of 20 dzongkhags and thromdes, principals, teachers and educationists will meet with officials from other relevant agencies during the conference.”
Lyonpo Norbu Wangchuk said the final decision will be made during the conference.
If the decision to change the academic session comes through, the winter vacation will be shortened by two weeks. The winter break will start as usual from December 18 but the academic session will resume from February 1 for teachers. The students will have to report to schools on February 4.
The summer vacation however will be extended by two weeks and will be increased to a month. It will begin on June 30 and end by July 31.
But the academic session for schools in the highlands and colder regions like Laya, Lunana, Lingzhi, Merak and Sakteng will remain the same.
The education ministry’s official Facebook page shared the post about the possible change in the academic session.
Lyonpo said that the post was shared on social media to encourage discourse and views from the public and to create a platform for people to participate in a matter that will affect their children and society at large.
“We are trying to make the national education conference sort of inclusive for others interested to share and comment on some of the important issues that impact the education system,” Lyonpo Norbu Wangchuk said, adding the online views and discourse will be helpful for the ministry to make decisions.”
Tempa Wangdi