Thromde: Driving up the Changidaphu road, towards Rinchen Higher Secondary School is an arduous experience lately.
With no proper drainage and footpaths, rainwater has washed debris and gravels along the road and eaten away sections of road.
Changidaphu residents have been complaining about the rugged road condition in their locality and some have also started moving out. Recently two families moved out because they could not walk and drive on the stretch. Several more are looking for flats elsewhere.
A 52-year-old resident who also runs a shop along the road said, the road condition worsens when it rains. Huge volume of water flows along the road making it impossible to walk, especially for students.
“Thimphu thromde needs to divert their attention here,” he said. “This part of Thimphu seems to be neglected.”
Residents also said it is tough to get taxi drivers ferry them from the market to the area. While some cabbies fear the road condition’s impact on their vehicles, some agree to transport passengers at a higher fare.
Cabbies charge not less than Nu 150 from the main town, while the standard rate is Nu100-Nu120, residents said.
Another resident, a mother of three who is currently looking for a flat and a shop space elsewhere said the road condition has left her car damaged.
“Since there is no immediate sign of maintenance, I better shift before I completely damage my car,” she said.
The residents’ complaints have not gone unheard. Thimphu thromde is waiting for the monsoon to recede to start the maintenance works.
Thromde’s executive secretary, Minjur Dorji said, works of maintaining the stretch between Druk School and Rinchen HSS has already been contracted. Along with road maintenance, proper drainage and footpath will also be constructed.
“It’s a priority road,” he said. “We’re planning to repair it within this month depending on favorability of weather.”
Thromde has about Nu 4M to carry out road maintenance at various places of Thimphu, including the Changidaphu road.
Nirmala Pokhrel