Thimphu Thromde hopes to reopen the Changjiji Baazam next year before the academic year begins.
Thromde’s chief engineer, Karma Jamtsho, said that the baazam’s timber beam had been anchored into the wall. This could mean that the timber is rotten. “We are not yet sure what is the real problem. We closed the bridge because of safety reasons.”
The closure of the baazam has caused inconvenience to people including students, and footballers.
Ashika Subba, a class 8 student of Loselling Middle Secondary School (LMSS), lives in Changbangdo, opposite to the school. “Now I have started to take the longer route and it takes about 15 minutes more to reach the school.”
LMSS’s vice principal, Pema Dorji, said that the parents had repeatedly asked baazam repair.
Thimphu Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee said the thromde was waiting for the 12th Plan budget. “We are planning to open the bridge before the next academic session begins.”
The thromde and ministry of human settlement are currently studying the bridge to if it required complete reconstruction.
Staff reporter