People of Chaskhar in Mongar depend on livestock and agriculture products.
However, more than 100 acres of wetland belonging to over 106 households in pam and Dungsingma, Chortong and Chainang have been left fallow due to shortage of irrigation water.
Resident of Gaitshang said shortage of irrigation water got worse in the last fallow 5 years.
‘‘We expected more rain this year. It did not happen,” said, Rinzin, an elderly woman of Gaitshang.
More than 25 acres of agricultural land has been left fallow in Kapurshing, Chukhar, and Kadam.
Water source is located some 19km away at Gudari, but it is drying up.
Changlu, 35, said that without dependable water source and leakages water shortage is worsening by the year.
Tenzin Dorji, Tshogpa of Dungsingma Pam said that irrigation channel was built in the early 1980s and the people of Chaskhar gewog benefited for almost 30 years.
Neten Dorji | Mongar