Tomato 50gms
Carrot 10gms
Soya sauce 5ml
Ginger 5ml
Garlic 1 bud
Vinegar 10ml
Rice paper 1 no
Butter 30gms
Cumin powder to taste
Star anise powder to taste
Cloves to taste
Cabbage 30gms
Garlic crouton 1 pcs
Boil the tomato and remove the skins
Blend it in a blender up to a consistency of a soup
Season it with salt, butter and the ginger-garlic puree
Sprinkle the cumin powder, star anise and the cloves on top of the puree
Add water to bring to a consistency of a soup
Take the cabbage and carrot
Season with salt and butter
Take the rice paper sheet and deep it in water to make it soft
Place it on a work table and place the cabbage and carrot mixture in the middle before rolling it.
Arrange the soup in a bowl on the platter
Arrange the rice-paper roll on the side and place garlic croutons in the bowl
Serve it chilled