Phurpa Lhamo
Beginning in February, service users of the Department of Civil Registration and Census (DCRC) and Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs’ (MoHCA) inter-dzongkhag census transfer and issuance of new CID/SR cards services will be able to provide their feedback on the services they receive.
This is part of the Monitoring and Assessment Framework (MAF) being developed by the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC).
An RCSC official said that a web-based Service Evaluation (ServE) tool has been developed to enable service users to rate various aspects of the service based on their experience. “This tool is almost ready for implementation. It is currently in its final stages of testing.”
ServE will be rolled out in February of this year.
According to the official, ServE will initially be used to monitor and assess two services under the DCRC, as well as issuance of new CID/SR card and move-in, move-out (inter-dzongkhag census transfer) services provided by the MoHCA.
“Participation in this service assessment framework involves undertaking an independent survey or a computer assisted telephone interview facilitated by the system. It is a formal platform for both the service users and the general public to provide feedback towards improving the service delivery process.”
The official stressed that for the MAF to be an effective tool, it is important that the service users take the survey.
The MAF will assess the service providers with five parameters: accessibility, timeliness, attitude, integrity, and feedback.
The RCSC official said that upon implementation of the MAF, the scores generated from the ServE tool will be woven into the appraisal system to hold an agency accountable for their service delivery. “This is a landmark effort to give citizens and service users, who are the most important players in the service delivery loop, a voice.”
To further improve service delivery, the RCSC collaborated with the Public Service Delivery Division under the office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet as well as the DCRC to initiate a revision of the existing Service Delivery Standard (SDS), and now have a refined SDS.
Based on the refined SDS, service-specific service application guides have been developed for four commonly used DCRC services.
The official said that the services were: issue of new CID/SR card, move-in / move-out (inter-dzongkhag census transfer), birth registration, and death reporting.
“While other SDS of other agencies are being considered, it is unlikely that SDS of all agencies that provide commonly availed services will require a complete revision.”
Also, the Public Service Delivery task force collaborated with four local experts in the fields of mindfulness practices, design thinking, effective communication, and body language to co-designed a module for empathy skills training.
The official said that the module was tested on the employees of the Health Help Centre under the Ministry of Health’s Department of Medical Services, following which the module has been refined and finalised.
To date, RCSC has provided empathy skills training in five cohorts totalling to 103 targeted participants from six agencies.