A total of 143 teachers from across the country sat aptitude test in order to qualify for the Masters in English programme at the new college in Yonphula in Trashigang today.
Of the total, 60 of them sat the test at Sherubtse College. The tests for the rest were conducted at Paro College of Education, Samtse College of Education and College of Language and Cultural Studies in Trongsa.
Only 30 of them will make it to the new college in Yonphula, which is currently being supported by Sherubtse College.
The president of Sherubtse, Tshering Wangdi, said that Sherubtse would help establish the MA programme at Yonphula. Once the college is established, it will be handed over to a separate management.
According to an executive order from the education ministry dated July 13, 2016, a project implementation unit will be established to prepare the masterplan of the new three new colleges in the east. The unit will oversee the implementation of the project, including the construction projects and development of programmes for July 2017.
Education minister Norbu Wangchuk told the senior journalist at the Journalists’ Association of Bhutan’s monthly dialogue that the college in Yonphula is not part of Sherubtse College.
The executive order also mentions that Sherubtse College will carry out the role of project implementation unit for the establishment of a college at Yonphula. The unit will propose plans to take over Yonphula campus to carry out remodelling strategies and building of new infrastructure for establishing the college at Yonphula.
Spread over some 72.9 acres of government land, the campus at Yonphula, which was underutilised after the army was phased out in 2011 and 2012, is divided into three – 52.6 acres will be under the college, and the remaining 12.3 acres and eight acres will be for the school there and a new RENEW centre respectively.
Several old structures will remain for the time being.
Tshering Wangdi said that the college, in collaboration with the Royal University of Bhutan and the Tertiary Education Board, is working on a masterplan to work on the facility enhancement of the campus for which the budget will be proposed in the 12th Plan.
Younten Tshedup | Trashigang