The Committee of Secretaries (CoS) was reinstituted yesterday with an inaugural session held at the National Assembly.
The inaugural event was presided over by the Tshulag Lopon, and attended by the Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering and foreign minister Dr Tandi Dorji.
A press release from the Cabinet Secretariat states that the decision to reinstitute CoS on December 11 last year was for the CoS to provide sound policy advice, recommendations and support to the prime minister and the cabinet in promoting a whole of government approach in pursuit of good governance. “The high-level committee is expected to ensure seamless coordination in effectively implementing government policies and plans.”
The decision comes four years after the CoS was dissolved.
The committee comprises of Cabinet Secretary as the chairperson and the Secretaries of the 10 ministries. The committee would meet twice a month.
The interim government’s report had recommended reinstating the CoS or empowering the GNH Commission with similar mandates like the CoS, as all secretaries are members of the GNH Commission.
In one of the press meets, the Prime Minister had said that the CoS would work as an advisor to the Cabinet and not as an Opposition.
Staff Reporter