… the dzongkhag has 51,834 voters

YK Poudel 

The common forums for NC in Samtse ended yesterday with the final forum at Samtse Throm which witnessed the lowest voter attendance of 30.

The candidates started the common forum from Doongtoed Gewog on March 20.

Of the 51, 834 eligible voters in the dzongkhag, only 2,428 voters (1,462 male and 966 female) attended the common forums.

The voters at the forum said that the reason for a poor turnout could be because of the registered voters being away from Samtse.

A voter at the common forum at Samtse Throm said, “It seems that the people have already decided whom to vote for. That’s why the attendance is poor.”

A voter from Norboogang said that the common forum was useful and helped him decide on his candidate.

According to the voters, the common forum was helpful as the candidates were permitted to speak in Dzongkha as well as in their local dialects.

Samtse has eight candidates: Chungdu Tshering, 41; Kumar Ghalley, 37; Ngawang Tshering, 37; Pol Prasad Chapagai, 41; Samir Giri, 45; Subash Sharma, 38; Tashi Dendup, 43; and Til Chand Sharma, 35. 

Samtse has 6,851 postal voters including 39 from overseas.
