MTR: Thimphu’s dzongkhag administration yesterday requested the government to defer construction of the new dzongkhag office complex to the 12th Plan.
With a budget estimate of Nu 100 million, the proposed office complex was supposed to be constructed in the current Plan.
Presenting the dzongkhag’s mid-term report of the 11th Plan, Thimphu Dzongdag Tshewang Rinzin said the project could not be implemented within the dzongkhag’s annual budget ceiling.
Tshewang Rinzin said the dzongkhag administration needs government approval to construct the office in the present location. He said the local leaders of Thimphu are of the view that the office complex should be built at the present location. The existing dzongkhag office complex falls under Thimphu Thromde.
Because dzongkhag administration does not have ownership of the land, Tshewang Rinzin said Debsi was initially identified for construction of the new office complex. “However, preference of most of the gewogs is to reconstruct office in the present location.”
Tshewang Rinzin said that the drawing of the office complex is ready. National Land Commission has approved a note sheet for utilisation of the land near Changlimithang stadium where the present dzongkhag stands.
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay said that even if the projects cannot be implemented in the current Plan, all the ground works should be completed before the 12th Plan.
Tshewang Rinzin also said that re-construction of Lingzhi Dzong and the utse of Barshong Dzong could not be implemented in the 11th Plan and proposed that the projects be deferred to the 12th Plan. He said that the project should be implemented as special project because dzongkhag administration is unable to implement the project on time due to difficult terrain, unfavourable weather, lack of roads and remoteness, among other reasons.
These conditions, he said, have forced contractors to leave the project without making any progress.
Tshewang Rinzin said the dzongkhag aspires to ensure equitable and sustainable socio-economic well-being of the people through quality services. The dzongkhag has achieved 29 of the 55 key performance indicators (KPIs), which includes improved health status of the communities, enhanced rural income and food sufficiency, among others.
The dzongkhag’s progress of 20 key result areas is on track with target of six result areas in risk. No incidence of maternal mortality was reported during the period.
Lyonchoen asked dzongkhag agriculture officials to study the areas where targets could not be achieved.
The dzongkhag surpassed its vegetable production targets.
MB Subba