Tshering Namgyal | Mongar
The Covid-19 patients, who were shifted from Samdrupjongkhar to the eastern Covid centre in Mongar, are doing well, according to health officials.
Except for one, who is in a comorbid condition, three of the four patients have become asymptomatic now while the 31-year old Indian was reported asymptomatic on the first day itself.
Health officials said the patients were given supportive treatment, and they are still undergoing PCR testing.
To move out of isolation they have to test negative for two times within 24 hours.
A team of health staff comprising a doctor, five nurses, two safety officers, an X-ray technician, two lab technicians and a driver attends the patients in the isolation centre.
After completing their two-week duty on September 19, the first team goes into quarantine and the second team assumes duty.
The health teams have been functioning from the facility quarantine at the Wangchuk Hotel.
The Medical Superintendent of Mongar eastern regional referral hospital, Dr Pelden Wangchuk said the teams follow strict protocols like wearing of full personal protective equipment (PPE) with strict monitoring and examining by safety officers, no mingling, travelling in a dedicated van from the work.
The vehicles transferring the patients were disinfected and sent back after a day at the centre to the respective stations. Each team serves a six-hour shift.
“So, it’s absolutely safe with the strict implementation of safety protocols,” Dr Pelden Wangchuk said.
The first two cases were Indian labourers of Kholongchhu project detected positive while in facility quarantine in Samdrupjongkhar. The second case was an 18-year-old woman who lived at the NHDCL colony.
She visited the flu clinic in Samdrupjonkhar due to flu-like symptoms and was confirmed positive on September 6.
The 25-year-old woman and the 49-year old man were detected from community surveillance at the RBP colony and diagnosed at the testing facility in Dewathang hospital. The last patient, a 49-year old was brought to the Covid centre on September 18.
As of September, a total of 2,218 RT-PCR, 1,050 RDT (antigen) and 640 RDT (antibody) were conducted at the Mongar hospital Covid Lab.
The isolation centre has 43 beds for isolation ward and 11 beds in the ICU.