Urban: The Dagana Dzongdag and officials from the dzongkhag and Ministry of Works and Human Settlement (MoWHS) visited Tsendagang gewog yesterday to make the people aware about land identification for the new town.
Dzongdag Phintsho Choden said that the purpose of conducting the meeting with the people of Tsendagang and Gozhi that falls under the new town plan is to make the people aware about what is happening on their land.
“While doing topography survey, cardamom and other crops would have to be cleared and the people should cooperate with the officials,” said Phintsho Choden.
Officials from MoWHS are in Dagapela town doing the topography survey.
“We will take about four months to complete the topography survey of the first phase of 335 acres of land,” an official said.
The Dzongdag also said that when the government is in the process of planning the town, business people should also be prepared. “In case the town planning comes faster, they should be prepared to construct buildings.”
Kajiman Gurung, 62, from Norbuzingkha, said of the old Dagapela town: “I was told by my grandfather that the town was first started in 1907.”
Another businessman, 59-year-old Dhan Bahadur Poudel, said that he first started his business in 1990 in the town. “Nobody knows when Dagapela town was built.”
The dzongkhag’s engineer said that after the survey is done, planners will make the plans accordingly and consult the people before implementing the plan.
“Public consultation is very important,” the engineer said.
There are about 35 shops in the old town.
Yeshey Dema | Dagana