Crime: In three separate incidents, electrical wires and miniature circuit breakers (MCB) worth over Nu 500,000 were stolen from a building under construction in Dechencholing.

According to the building owner, Karma Jimba, the first break-in occurred on January 14, followed by another one on the night of January 16, and a third one on the afternoon of January 17.

Following the first break-in, the owner called the police who investigated the crime scene and lifted finger prints. The thieves had broken all the doors and windows of the first and second floors. Besides stealing wires and MCBs, they had also damaged switches.

He found that a second and third break-in had occurred on January 17. This time, the thieves had also scrawled the words “I will kill you” on a wall.

“I did not expect the burglars to break into my building again since I have informed the police earlier,” he said. “All the wires and MCB were taken and the switches which they did not take are all damaged.”

He said that all the electrical fittings for his building had been completed and all that was left was the finishing.

He also said that he had sent the labourers back to their homes since it is cold at this time of the year. He had also ensured that all doors and windows were locked.

He said some children told him that they had seen a group of boys entering the building several times but that a parent had threatened the children about speaking to anyone.

The owner said neighbours are reluctant to provide information about the burglary. “Maybe they are scared that those guys will harm them,” he added.

This is the third time Karma Jimba’s property has been vandalised. The previous two incidents happened last year in Taba, however, the owner did not report to the police.

By Dechen Tshomo
