Come night and packs of stray dogs roam Chamkhar town in Bumthang.
Stray dog has become a serious issue in the town despite the sterilisation campaign.
Local residents say the dog pound that was in use until 2010 proved effective. The caretaker, one Ap Tarzin, name he got from his shabby looks, used to feed the dogs and keep the pack out of town.
After the death of Ap Tarzin, dogs hit the town in search of food and never returned.
Pema Zangmo, a local resident, said that during the sterilisation campaign, every household in the town is mandated to catch at least a dog. “Out of fear of being fined, residents catch the same dogs that was sterlised,” she said, adding that aggressive dogs that are difficult to catch are breeding every season, adding to the population.
“Dogs attacked children early morning when they leave for school and shabbily dressed people on the streets,” she said. “Its very difficult to move at night.”
Another resident said dog population is increasing every year despite the sterilisation campaign. “Dogs have become nuisance in the town and howling and barking is intolerable during night.”
Dzongkhag livestock officer, Jambay Dorji, said the sterilisation campaign is conducted twice a year in the dzongkhag.
He cited lack of support from the community as one of the challenges while conducting the campaign. The dog pound in Phromdong was closed for reasons pertaining to religious beliefs.
Tshering Dorji | Bumthang