Druk Phuensum Tshogpa’s (DPT) dzongkhag coordinator in Dagana, Kaka, lodged a complaint against the former labour minister, Ngeema Sangay Tshempo, for visiting his constituency during the election campaign period and instructing the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) coordinators to vote for Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT).

The complaint was lodged on October 11.

The Office of the Retuning Officer in Dagana would forward the complaint to the central election dispute settlement body (CEDSB) soon.

The complaint Kaka lodged states that the former labour minister breached the legal provisions of the electoral laws, as he allegedly visited the constituency to influence voters, and campaign for DNT.

Kaka also alleged the former minister of asking PDP coordinators to vote for DNT to show gratitude for supporting PDP during the 2013 election.

He alleged that the former minister gathered PDP coordinators in his constituency and instructed them to support DNT. “We have the recorded evidence to prove it,” he said.He alleged that the former minister also met PDP supporters in Lhamoidzingkha.

Kaka said that after listening to the instruction, which was received in voice recording, he called the former minister requesting him not to influence voters and create division among people.

“I also requested him to immediately leave his constituency. I requested him that if he left the constituency, we need not lodge a complaint to ECB,” he said.

A video clip of Kaka conversing with the former minister has gone viral on Facebook.

Kaka said that it is disheartening to know that the former minister is abusing democracy.

Nima Sangay Tshempo denied the allegation. He said he neither gathered PDP supporters nor instructed them to vote for DNT.

The former minister alleged that Kaka called him, impersonating as a PDP supporter and sought advice on who to support in the general election.

“Since he insisted I gave my view by jokingly indicating DNT,” he said. “He caught on that and made a commotion.”

He also said that he did not conduct any meetings. He said he was in his constituency to thank his supporters. “Since the DEDSB is dissolved, I am waiting for the complaint to be forwarded to CEDSB.”

Ngeema Sangay Tshempo said he would seek legal guidance and instead lodge a complaint against the coordinator for illegal taping the phone call, impersonation and defamation on social media.

Nirmala Pokhrel |Tsirang
