Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) has nominated a former teacher, Prem Kumar Khatiwara, as candidate for Lhamoizingkha constituency, Dagana.
Labour minister Ngeema Sangay Tshempo is currently representing the constituency.
“It’s a home coming for me,” the 48-year-old from Nichula gewog said, adding that he was involved in the party since the first parliamentary elections in 2008.
Prem Kumar Khatiwara holds a Bachelors degree in Mathematics and Physics (secondary). He last taught at Pelkhil High School.
“I am inspired by the party’s vision of equity and justice,” he said. The candidate has left Thimphu for familiariasation tour to his constituency.
“The support base for DPT was strong in 2008 when I was actively involved in the party works,” he said. However, he added that he would make use of the familiarisation tour to assess the party’s popularity.
Hemant Gurung from DPT first represented the constituency.
Staff Reporter