The Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) president, Pema Gyamtsho, while meeting with the people of Zhemgang yesterday told them that they are there to elect a public servant, not a leader.
He asked people if they would like to have a candidate who orders them?
The president and the team couldn’t conduct the first meeting as planned on September 8, as the team reached Zhemgang only after 6pm. Their request to conduct the meeting after 6pm was not granted by the election office.
Despite the cancellation, more than hundred people from the town and nearby villages turned up yesterday to listen to the president.
Pema Gyamtsho, while highlighting the party’s ideology, told the public to vote for the right party keeping in mind the national security and the sustainability of the country’s future.
Referring to some rumors of some candidates from other parties bribing the voters, the president reminded the people that if such party comes to power than the government will have to rule by the way the funders wants to. “There are only few companies in the country that can fund,” he said.
He also reminded the people to be careful of unrealistic pledges made by some political parties.
“A doctor in each chiwog and gewog level is not possible and not needed unless people are regularly sick,” said the president. “We don’t even have enough doctors at the JDWNRH forget about gewog and chiwog level. To train a doctor a minimum of five years is needed. It is impossible to fulfill those pledges.”
The president also asked the voters to be cautious and mindful while voting.
He informed the people that they would have to stay with fear for five years if they vote with fear of the political parties.
The party’s Bardo-Trong candidate, Gyambo Tshering, accompanied the president.
The president informed the voters that the DPT’s vision to make the country self-reliance by 2025. “It’s time to be self-reliant but we are still depending on donors as the major hydro projects are yet to be commissioned”
He said theiraim is to make the country self-reliant and plans to have at least three new projects and complete those under construction.
On the way to Buli, the president met with the people of Dhakphel, Kikhar and Tali who were waiting at the roadside.He interacted with the people and noted their problems.
At Kikhar, the public raised the issues of irrigation water, human-wildlife conflict and drinking water.
Gyambo Tshering pledged to the people that the party would provide them with electric fencing and barbed wire if they form the government.
Referring to the increase in debt, the president said people shouldn’t worry, as many developed countries in the world also have huge debt. “Loans are given to the developing countries by the World Bank at the lower interest rate.”
He, however, said if the country’s debt keeps growing, then it would lead to a failed state.
The party also pledged to focus on thirteen traditional arts (zorig chusum) for the youth to create job opportunities.
He told them that the party was always there to serve the nation and have well-balanced candidates. He introduced the candidates to the public from the image in the banner.
At Buli, he said the party would focus on improving quality telecommunication, education, drinking water supply and health service that are already in place. “We will focus on promoting tourism in Zhemgang.”
Pema Gyamtsho said parties will pledge anything but the source of income for all the political party is same and limited to all the parties.
The president, who is on his way to Gelephu and Sarpang to wrap up his campaign, will head to Gelephu today and trans-shift from Ossey roadblock.
Tashi Tenzin | Zhemgang