With about 16 teachers short in Drametse Central School, gewog residents are concerned that the shortage would affect students’ performance and impact quality of education.
The school has 25 teachers for 712 students.
A source said that in 2016, there were 26 teachers for 18 sections but this year, there are 25 teachers for 22 sections. According to the teacher requirement exercise (TRE), the primary school teacher-student ratio is 1:24. In the middle secondary school, a teacher has to teach 30 students.
As per the TRE, Drametse central school is short of 16 teachers. Due to the shortage of primary school teachers, one teacher has to teach 49 students in class five.
A parent, Chimi Lhadon, questioned how the quality of education would be improved when there is a shortage of teachers.
Drametse gup, Kunzang Tshering, said he raised the teacher shortage issue during the recent dzongkhag tshogdu. “But nothing has been done so far.”
A teacher said he teaches 27 periods in a week, shoulder the responsibility of the class teacher, manage sports and clubs.
He said he doesn’t get enough time to check notebooks and plan lessons, and tries not to compromise on teaching hours.
School principal, Passang Wangdi, said there was teacher shortage because they had to take in more students this year.
He said he had written to the dzongkhag education officials about it. “We face a problem when teachers fall sick and take leave.”
The dzongkhag education officer, Lham Dorji, said they put teacher requisition to relevant agencies.
Tashi Phuntsho | Drametse