… taking the total number of candidates to 26
Neten Dorji | Trashigang
Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa (DTT) introduced three candidates from Mongar, Samdrupjongkhar, and Trashiyangtse at Trashigang headquarter yesterday.
The party declared Ugyen Thinley, 56, from Gongdue as the candidate for the Kengkhar-Weringla constituency in Mongar.
He has a master’s degree in Education from Lovely Professional University in Punjab, India.
He was an educator for 32 years, working his way up as a teacher, Chief Dzongkhag Administration Officer, Deputy Chief Dzongkhag Education Officer and Principal across Mongar, Samdrupjongkhar and Trashigang.
Chundi Dorji, 49, will represent the party from Dewathang-Gomdar constituency, Samdrupjongkhar. He has a Master of Arts majoring in English from the University of New England in New South Wales, Australia.
He worked for 13 years in the education sector and worked for 11 years as the Chief Administrative Officer of Punatsangchhu Hydropower Project Authority II.
Fifty-four-year-old Ugyen Rinzin is DTT’s Bomdeling- Jamkhar candidate from Trashiyangtse.
He studied a Master of Science (Physical Chemistry) degree from Mahidol University, Thailand in 2008. Before joining as a candidate, he worked as Chief Scientific Officer, at Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC) and also worked at Chhukha Hydropower Corporation Limited for almost three decades.
He was among the few Bhutanese who helped establish the first Oil Testing Laboratory (Scientific Laboratory) in the country.
Except for three western dzongkhags, Paro, Haa and Wangdue, the party completed its familiarisation tour in 17 dzongkhags and 200 gewogs.
DTT announced 26 candidates, of which nine are from the west, three from the central, six from the south and eight are from eastern dzongkhags.