Chhimi Dema
An entrepreneur had found a solution to cut down expenses when applying for a job. e-LaYog, a web-based application for recruiting employees, brings the employers and job seekers together on one online platform to save cost and time.
It is said that huge expenses are incurred in travel and documentation besides taking a long time when applying for jobs. e-LaYog’s founder, Tandin Dorji, said that the current process of recruitment involves job seekers submitting printed copies of their mark sheets and other documents. Then the employers verify the application and tabulate details on excel sheet to shortlist applicants, he said.
“With e-LaYog, job seekers put all their information through a web-based forum and then those documents are verified by a team,” he said. “We ensure to the employers that documentation from the registered individuals is verified and authentic.”
Tandin Dorji said that employers could get digital records which saves time, since they do not have to go through all the applications. “The job seekers, after registering, and once they are verified can apply to any jobs listed on e-LaYog,” he said.
The web-based application eliminates the process of filling up different forms and sending batches of documentation to different employers, he said.
Tandin said that according to a survey he conducted prior to the project, he found that on average the cost for submitting a job application came to Nu 500 inclusive of taxi fares, photocopy and legal stamp charge.
For job seekers, there is a cost reduction from Nu 500 to a nominal fee of Nu 150 through e-LaYog, he said. “There is a benefit of the cost for the job seekers. Initially, if they spend Nu 2,500 for five jobs, now it would be reduced to Nu 750.”
After a jobseeker applies for five jobs, the fees are reduced from Nu 150 to Nu 100.
Currently, more than 3,000 job seekers have registered with e-LaYog. The registered employers, Bhutan Power Corporation and Bhutan Livestock Development Corporation Limited, were receiving their applicants on e-LaYog for the vacancies they floated.
Dorji Wangmo, 24, from Zhemgang, said that the application was user friendly.
She said: “e-LaYog platform saves money as the applications can be submitted online without having to photocopy our documents.” In Thimphu town, photocopying an A4 size document cost Nu 5.
However, Tandin Dorji said that the platform was not facilitating a full-fledged recruitment agency but trying to digitalise the first step of recruitment and short listing.