Development of children should be based on changing times without losing the principles of tha damtse and leyjumdrey.

Teacher, Phuentsholing


“It’s a guide or a pathway for the people serving in the education system. It clearly states and reminds us that there needs to be a change and transformation in the education system as per the needs of time.” 

— Sherab Tshering


“The knowledge that you acquired from the schools should be the tools of nation builder.”

— A Educator


“I understood that we have to know how to move accordingly with the digital world and teachers and students have to prepared with the theme nationally rooted and globally oriented.”

— A Teacher


“Better days ahead for our children.” 

— A Teacher


“I feel that the Royal Kasho came as a reminder to the education fraternity that we need to advance in our pedagogical and psychological approaches in educating the young minds with the available and improved resources. We have, in many ways, failed to recognise the abilities of our children and their minds.”

— Singye Wangchuk, Associate Lecture, CLCS


“How leaders communicate, respond to and support principals and teachers make a positive impact in the classroom. For a royal vision enshrined in the Kasho to effect transformation of society, transformation must begin from individual changes. It is the call of the nation to question our leadership of the self.” 

— Namgyel Tshering, Principal, Dechentsemo CS


“Parents and students think the purpose of education is getting a job and this was a policy failure. The reform must be capable of doing away with that.”

— Kinley Dorji, Principal, Ridaza Primary School, Mongar


“Lack of parental and societal support, school and home environment are two total contrasts. For instance, parents think that it is the work of teachers to educate their child. But they have equal responsibility. “ 

— A Principal


“While I understand the gravity of the circumstance, nothing has changed so far! It’s the usual process of letters asking this and that from the top. Many teachers are working with limited resources.”

— A Teacher


“Lack of adequate trained-teachers has led to the deterioration of the quality of education.”

— A senior teacher of 37 years, Mongar


“Failure of education ministry to move ahead with the need of the time.” 

Teacher, Chhukha


“If the quality of education is to be compared with developed countries like Finland, Singapore, Australia, and Sweden, then give us similar enabling conditions. If we are unable to deliver, fire us.” — An Educator
