53 out of 80 are women as of yesterday, five gewogs are yet to submit the complete list
LG Elections: Going by the initial numbers, the fear of not having candidates for the upcoming local government elections will not apply to Tsirang dzongkhag.
Each gewog in the dzongkhag is likely to have at least five candidates contesting for the gup’s post. This is excluding the incumbent gups who are likely to re-contest. About 80 people have registered to sit for the Functional Literacy Test (FLT) as of yesterday. Tsiring has total of 12 gewogs, of which five are yet to submit their list.
Tsirang will also see a good number of women candidates, as 53 of the 80 registered for FLT so far are women. Most of them however registered to contest for the tshogpa’s post.
Gosarling has the highest number of candidates so far. It has six candidates each to contest the gup, mangmi and tshogpa posts going by the FLT registration list. Rangthaling gewog follows with 17 candidates, of which five are female. Sergithang gewog has 14 aspiring candidates, four gup and 10 tshogpa candidates. Of the total 12 aspiring candidates confirmed for FLT from Mendrelgang gewog, six are female.
Barshong gewog whose list is not complete already saw five gup, four mangmi and at least two candidates each for its five chiwog tshogpas. Patshaling gewog also received FLT forms from three gup aspirants and five mangmi and tshogpa aspirants.
However, only one aspiring candidate registered in Shemjong gewog. Dunglagang gewog has one candidate each for gup and mangmi and four candidates for tshogpa. Tsholingkhar gewog has a lone female candidate who has come to register for FLT. But gewog officials said she is only 23 years old.
Sergithang gup Dhanapati Sanyasi said there are more candidates who inquire about FLT and are interested to contest the upcoming election, but it is yet to confirm. “Responsibility lies on tshogpas in making people aware of FLT deadlines. We’re expecting more people to come forward,” Dhanapati Sanyasi said.
Dunglagang gewog administrative officer also said that tshogpas were directed to visit each household and inform people about the FLT. Tsholingkhar Gup Lok Bdr Mongar, however, said that although aspiring candidates are forth coming to register for FLT, it is not sure if all registered will get through or contest.
Dzongkhag election officials will finalize the list on April 15, the last date for FLT registration.
Nirmala Pokhrel, Tsirang