Kelzang Wangchuk | Samdrupjongkhar
Jomotshangkha drungkhag in Samdrupjongkhar remains isolated after the lockdown, but residents will not hungry for lack of essentials, according to officials.
The incident commander (IC) and Jomotshangkha drungpa, Lamdak Wangdi, said that the Food Corporation of Bhutan (FCB) depot and the shops identified by the trade had stocked the items before the lockdown.
The drungkhag Covid-19 task force, FCB and identified essential delivery shops deliver the goods and other essential items to the recognised shops in the drungkhag’s three gewogs.
The drungpa said although the trade office had identified two shops in Jomotshangkha town, the drungkhag task force identified four other shops in Jomotshangkha town, six at Serthi and Lauri gewogs each and three shops at Langchenphu gewog to assure better service to the people.
“The task force, De-Suups and essential suppliers deliver the rations and other necessary items to the identified shops in all the three gewogs. Those shops deliver essential items to the doorstep in the gewogs,” Lamdak Wangdi said.
The drungpa said that the drungkhag also had sufficient vegetables as the task force had identified two shops each at Lauri and Serthi gewogs to supply vegetables to the residents in Jomotshangkha town.
He said the suppliers go to the villages and collect vegetables like cabbages, radish, chilli and beans and bring them to the Jomotshangkha town. “The task force members and De-Suups deliver the vegetables going door-to-door.”
Lamdak Wangdi said the drungkhag had deployed the De-Suups, army, police, foresters, retired armed forces (RAF), customs and immigration officials keep vigil at all illegal routes and border gate. Local leaders are also monitoring the situation in the gewogs.
“But cow herders from across the border often try to cross the border. Our security officials on duty explain and send them back,” Lamdak Wangdi said.
The drungkhag clears the irrigation channel leading to fields in India so that farmers from the other side can’t enter to maintain them, the drungpa said.