Her Expression IV, an art exhibition by Bhutanese female artists showcased clay sculptures crafted by three women sculptors in Bhutan.

Artists Lhamo Chozom, Rinchen Dolma, and Sangay Zangmo, graduated from the National Institute of Zorig Chusum in Thimphu. They work with the Department of National Properties.

Sculptor Rinchen Dema said that there are job opportunities in the private sectors and the job gave them the opportunity to work with professionals. “This is an ad-hoc presentation. In the future we wish to present better work.”

About eight clay sculptures, including stupas, masks, and other religious figures were presented at the exhibition.

The founder of Voluntary Artists’ Studio in Thimphu (VAST), Azha Karma, said that through the exhibition like this would give name and face to women sculptors in the country. “It is important for people to know that women can pursue the work they are interested in and are not stopped by the society through discrimination.”

Artist Zuki Nima is one of the three artists who came forward with the idea to start an exhibition just for the female artists in 2014.

Zuki Nima said that there were not many work by female artists, which is why exhibition just for women artists was important. “Azha Karma encouraged us to move ahead with the exhibition. With other female artists, we designed posters. That’s how it started.”

The exhibition also features the youngest female artist Tenzin Dema, 3. She has painted a sunflower and moon.

The exhibition, which opened on October 30, will conclude on November 25.

Phurpa Lhamo
