Of the 6,723 registered voters in Paro, 5,389 voters cast their votes taking the voter turnout to 80.16 percent through the postal ballot facilitation booths between 10 and 12 October.
One of the voters, Pem Zam, a teacher at the Early Childhood Care and Development Centre (ECCD), said that it was important to vote because adult franchise was a gift from His Majesty. “This provides the people with the choice to elect representatives. I believe that the responsibility falls on every citizen to vote. I hear some saying that they are fed up of the election and have no interest in casting votes. It shouldn’t be like that.”
Pem Zam said that in the past people needed to travel to their villages to cast votes, but with the introduction of facilitation booth it was easier to participate in the voting process.
In the primary round, close to 1,500 voters did not cast their postal ballots.
Like in the primary round of National Assembly elections, female voter turnout was higher this time too.
Paro saw 3,037 female and 2,352 male voters cast their votes.
One of the voters at Paro College Education’s facilitation booth, Cheten Dorji, 40, said it was important to exercise the voting right. “If we are to develop as a nation, every voter must take this responsibility seriously.”
He said that in a democracy every citizen must participate in the election processes for larger representation.
Rinchen Zangmo | Paro