LG: There was a major flood in Ramjar in the 1990s and some stabilising measures were put in place in 2002. But Ramjar is still not free from the risk of floods today.

This is one of the priorities of Ramjar’s new gup-elect, Tenzin Wangda, 45, from Dungmin village. He will also focus on constructing new farm roads. “It is also what I pledged to the people during my campaign,” Tenzin Wangda, who lost to the former gup by 38 votes in 2011, said.

Having served as a chimi for Ramjar from 2002 till 2006, Tenzin Wangda said he will ensure local plans of the 11th and 12th Plans are realised. Tenzin Wangda has also served as a mangmi.

Tongzhang gewog’s new gup-elect and the former gup, Tashi Dorji, said he will continue serving the people in line with the government’s plans.

“I thought it was unfair to take up the opportunity again but I also thought it was necessary that I continue serving as gup as I was also involved in planning the 11th Plan,” he said. Like most of the gups in the dzongkhag, continuing with the ongoing and new farm road constructions is his priority. Tashi Dorji, 42, is from Tokaphu, Lamaigonpa.

Yangtshe’s new gup-elect is Goenpo, 35, from Lichen village. The former geydrung is not daunted by the task ahead given that he has worked under other gups.

Improving the conditions of existing farm roads is a priority for Goenpo. “Other priorities will be identified based on the needs of the people,” he said.

Toedtsho’s former gup, Dechen Wangdi, was re-elected. His priority is to improve sanitation, agriculture and livestock conditions in the gewog.

Jamkhar’s new gup-elect, is Karma Tshewang, 30, a carpenter. “I did not make any pledges since any activity in the gewog will depend on plans and budget allocated,” he said.

Bumdeling’s new gup-elect, Mani Wangda, 43, said he did not expect to win. “I took part to provide an option to the people but I was also ready to serve them if I got elected,” he said. “I will focus on constructing new farm roads and maintaining existing ones,” he added.

Khamdang’s new gup-elect, Norbu, said he would serve the people with dedication since the people have given him their trust.

Yalang’s new gup-elect Chosung Wangdi could not be contacted.

Nima Wangdi | T/Yangtse
