The fifth session of the Committee on Environment and Development (CED) was held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok from November 21-23. It was organised by UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP).
Secretary of the National Environment Commission (NEC), Sonam P. Wangdi and Chief of Policy and Planning Services Peldon Tshering represented Bhutan at the committee, a press release from NEC states.
Sonam P. Wangdi was elected the Chair of the fifth session of CED by the member states, to guide and lead the sessions, for three days of the meeting.
The committee reviews analysis of the major environmental challenges faced in the region including those for countries with special needs, and present key analysis on issues and trends in the Asian and Pacific region. It discusses means of implementation and the added value of innovative actions and technical solutions being developed and applied throughout the region to harness the benefits of environmental actions, including through circular economy and nature based approaches. The committee also reviews secretariat support for implementation of the Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Development for Asia-Pacific, adopted at the Ministerial Conference in September 2017.
This session continues the work of the fourth session of the CED, which was held in 2015. The CED is one of the eight committees that make up the subsidiary structure of the Commission. The CED meets biennially to review regional environment and development trends and emerging issues, as well as identify priority areas of action.
Staff Reporter