The 14-day dharma camp for 120 students concluded yesterday in Thimphu.
Institute of Science of Mind (ISM) in Semtokha organised the camp with support from the Zhung Dratshang. The students are from 12 higher and middle secondary schools in Thimphu.
Chief executive officer with ISM, Thinley Thogmed, said the camp aimed to develop human values in youth through religious messages from various organisations. “We also had four lopens including the Dorji lopen who spoke to the participants here,” he said.
Speakers from organisations such as Royal Bhutan Police, National Assembly of Bhutan, National Council, Dratshang Lentshog, Bhutan Narcotic Control Authority and thromde also engaged the participants in various youth related discussions.
One of the students from Loseling Middle Secondary School, Tenzin Choden, said that apart from religious studies and youth related issues, the camp also held competitions in dancing, singing and sports. “We had debates and extempore speech sessions as well,” she added.
Thinley Thogmed said that the heads of 12 high schools in Thimphu thromde, representatives from the Dratshang Lhengtshog, thrompon and representatives from the ISM met numerous times to develop a curriculum for the camp.
“The curriculum which was presented to the Dratshang Lhentshog was received positively and the curriculum in Dzongkha is being translated to English,” Thinley Thogmed said.
He added that the dharma camp will be expanded to other dzongkhags with the help of the monastic body. The winter camp this year will be held at one of the southern dzongkhags. The summer and winter dharma camp will be held every year for youth volunteers from various schools.
All participants received certificates from the Zhung Dratshang’s Laytshog Lopen, Sangay Dorji.
Phurpa Lhamo