Dechen Dolkar
Upon the command of His Majesty The King, an additional hospital has been established in Phuntsholing at Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS).
During the Prime Minister’s national address on February 21, Lyonchhen Dr Lotay Tshering said that upon a command received from His Majesty The King, the additional hospital has been established with the RIGSS vacated and additional 11 health professionals will be deputed from Thimphu.
According to a Ministry of Health official, two medical specialists, two paediatricians and a gynaecologist were deployed. They were accompanied by six nursing staff. They left on February 21.
“They will be on deputation in Phuentsholing until further notice,” the official said.
Lyonchhen said that the reason for deputing additional health professionals is to contain the outbreak and to treat positive patients who are living with comorbidities.
Lyonchhen said that in a month more than 600 people were infected with Covid-19 positive in Phuntsholing.
Lyonchhen said that His Majesty is also worried since the import and export are happening in Phuntsholing and if businesses are stopped it would also affect all the dzongkhags in terms of reaching essential food items.
“When the restrictions are open, people get infected. When there is the outbreak of diseases the business has to close down,” Lyonchhen said.
“All the Covid-19 deaths are related to people living with comorbidities,” Lyonchhen said.
As per the record, there are around 60,000 people living with diabetes and hypertension, 316 patients undergoing dialysis, 42 patients who have transplanted kidneys and are under medication, and more than 50 patients who are undergoing chemotherapy in the country.
There are around 22,000 people residing in Phuentsholing.