It took less than half an hour of heavy rainfall to wash away the temporarily reinstated Gelephu-Assam highway on August 30.
The flooding did not cause any damage to property and settlement.
Gelephu thromde officials said that although it started raining since 8am, it rained heavily between 9.30-10am causing the flash flood.
An official said that the water accumulated at the border gate area over flowed into the water reservoir below the airport. “The reservoir could not contain the water this time because it burst on August 25 and washed away almost 100 meters of the Gelephu-Assam highway near the border gate. The same portion was again washed away yesterday.”
Thromde’s engineer, IP Phuyel, said that the recently reinstated road was the only damage. “We had done sand-filling last time and the floodwater washed it partially.”
The highway was rebuild after the rain.
Staff reporter