Crime: Tsirang police apprehended four men from Reserboo in Tsirang for robbing a construction labourer in Reserboo two weeks ago.
The culprits are between the ages of 18 and 20. The robbery happened on the night of January 1 when the culprits went to celebrate New Year with the friends at Patshaling.
“The main culprit, 17-year-old boy, knocked at a camp house where a group of labourers lived and asked for water. After that, asked for a mobile phone to call to one of his friends,” says the investigation report. Immediately after taking the phone from a labourer, the boy took out a knife and asked all the labourers to hand over their mobile phones and money.
According to the statement from the victims to the police, the culprits snatched four mobile phones, four mobile chargers, four sim cards, and Nu 6,000.
The police managed to recover three mobile phones, three chargers and four sim cards from the culprits. Out of four culprits, two were repeated offenders, said the police.
By Yeshey Dema, Tsirang