Tshering Namgyal | Mongar
The waste management issue at the Nyamey landfill, a few kilometres below Yadi town, will now be managed jointly by Sherimung and Ngatshang gewog administrations.
The Mongar dzongkhag tshogdu (DT) saw this as the best way forward deliberating on the amounting waste issue at the landfill on July 19.
Ngatshang Gup, Ugyen Yangzom said although the landfill falls in her gewog jurisdiction, it’s found to have been used by the people of the adjoining Sherimung, Balam and Chaskhar gewogs.

Waste scattered on the road to Nyamey landfill
She proposed the DT ask a concerned authority for a waste transportation budget or the gewogs could maintain their own landfill and share transportation costs among user gewogs to manage the waste jointly.
Balam Gup, Tshewang Dorji people from his gewog would have thrown the waste at the landfill since the gewog is about 20 kilometres away from it. He said that his gewog will manage the wastes. Chaskhar Gup, Tenzin Dorji, said his gewog initially used the landfill but has stopped now.
“We won’t be able to come all the way to the landfill to throw the waste. Residents of Yadi town throw wastes along the road junction to Chaskhar gewog and pollute the environment,” he said.
He told Kuensel that the gewog doesn’t have a permanent landfill identified, and coming up with a proper one between Chaskhar and Thangrong gewog would be a better option.
Sherimung Gup, Dorji, said, “We do not have a proper waste dumping site in the gewog and it’s convenient to use the landfill at Nyamey.”
Thangrong Gup, Chenga, said the mounting waste is becoming a big issue in the gewogs and if the landfill is for the regional gewogs, he would also render his support in extending and managing the existing landfill.
Mongar Dzongrab, Jamyang Cheda, said wastes in the satellite town of Yadi, the major waste producer, have been managed by the gewog administration and no taxes for town infrastructures like sewerage, waste management and water have been collected from shopkeepers.
He said the town may get approval for Satellite town in future and it would be taken care of by thromde.
Other DT members raised concern about mounting waste issues in the gewogs and a sustainable landfill for a cluster of gewogs to be built.
The DT asked Ngatshang and Sherimung to draw up a guideline on the proper management strategy and implement it for the time being.
The issue came to the limelight following the recent waste management problems after the users littered along the landfill approach road and not at the landfill at Nyamey.