Lhakpa Quendren 

The Gelephu core working group will review land and property transactions within Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) before obtaining approval from the National Land Commission (NLC).

This is to streamline transactions within the GMC and ensure that both sellers and buyers acknowledge and adhere to all conditions outlined in the standard undertaking form developed by the GMC core working group.

Former Prime Minister Dasho Dr Lotay Tshering, a member of the GMC core working group, stationed in Gelephu, said that the procedure is to cross-check whether the land falls within the master plan of the planned GMC.

“We will not restrict people from buying or selling land. The main advantage is to cross-check with planners if any major activity is being planned on that land that is for sale. In case any major activity is being planned, it is important to inform both sellers and buyers accordingly,” he said.

After becoming aware of the land, he said, the seller may choose not to sell with the expectation of a rise in its value, or the buyer may choose not to purchase as their intended plans cannot be realised.

Under the new condition, the seller has to agree that they will not benefit from any potential future increase in the value of the land. The buyer must acknowledge and accept all risks associated with purchasing the land, including expropriation by the GMC or similar authority, and any other forms of devaluation.

The parties, both transferor and transferee, involved in the sale and purchase transaction have to submit the relevant documents to the dzongkhag or thromde land record sector.

They will verify the transaction documents to ensure they comply with prevailing norms and fulfill all required formalities. After verification, the documents will be submitted to the GMC core working group, along with the signed undertaking form.

The GMC core working group will review the transaction documents, and either reject or formally recommend its approval to the dzongkhag or thromde land sector. The transaction details will then be forwarded to the NLC for approval through the e-Sakor system.

Landowners, upon receiving approval from NLC, have the option to obtain their land ownership (lagthram) from the dzongkhag, thromde land sector, or from the NLCS headquarters, depending on their convenience.

However, real estate agents and residents say that the rejection would create problems between the sellers and buyers, as half of the payment is made at the time of making the sale deed agreement.

“It is a lengthy process, and by the time they complete the review, the money from the sale of land may already have been utilized,” a land dealer said, adding that many issues, including loan processing, would arise associated with such conditions.

While the NLC issued a notification on June 10 to start accepting land transactions within GMC, the online system is still blocked, preventing buyers and sellers from processing transactions.

The GMC region includes Sarpang Dzongkhag, Lhamoizingkha, Karmaling, and Nichula gewogs in Dagana, as well as Sonamthang, Panbang, and Tungkudemba in Zhemgang.
